Hi Ian,

Thanks for you time this afternoon. Just to give you a little bit of information regarding the project and what we are trying to achieve:

The project is a VicRoads project which aims to investigate and assess ITS technologies for motorcycles. Stage 1 of the project was conducted by MUARC, and identified three ITS technologies which were concluded to have potential for reducing motorcycle crashes. The three technologies are: (i) Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA), (ii) Advanced brake systems and (iii) Automatic Crash Notification (ACN).

Stage 2 of the project (which ARRB are conducting) is focussed on the feasibility of introducing these technologies, and the level of acceptance of the technologies by the motorcycling public. As part of the 'acceptance' study we are seeking to speak with a cross-section of the Victorian motorcycling public, to assess their views on the technologies. Groups we have in mind to contact include the MRAA, Ulysses Club, BMW MCCVIC, Scooter Federation, and HRCA.  

We expect that these groups will be able to provide us with a wide range of motorcyclists. Particularly, we hope the  Motorcycle Sports Touring Club of Victoria will be able to provide experienced riders riding sports-touring machines. However, we encourage anyone interested at all to contact us. We are looking for group sizes of around 6-7 people, but again, we encourage anyone with any interest to give us a call.

 I have attached an information form which provides all the details of the focus groups (when, where, how much, who to call, etc). If you could please forward this form to your members it would be greatly appreciated. Please note that queries regarding the project should be addressed to me, but our administrator, Maryse, should be called to book a time for the focus group.

Adam Ritzinger, Vehicle Dynamics Engineer, ARRB Consulting

ARRB Group Ltd , 500 Burwood Highway, Vermont South VIC 3133 Phone: 9881 1529
adam.ritzinger@arrb.com.au,   www.arrb.com.au


Future Developments in Motorcycle Safety – Your views matter

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is the name given to combinations of sensors, communications systems and computer technology to combat traffic congestion and improve road safety.  They are set to play an increasing role in the traffic systems of the future.  Some aspects of ITS have direct relevance to motorcycle safety.

ARRB Group, Australia’s leading centre for road and traffic research, is undertaking work on behalf of VicRoads to investigate motorcyclist’s views on some of these new options.  We need to speak to motorcyclists of all ages, all skill levels and riding all types of machines. 

Riders are asked to attend a session for approximately 60-90 minutes.   Each of the new technologies will be explained using pictures and diagrams, and motorcyclists will be asked for their views on each of the technologies – whether they themselves would find them useful, how they might affect their riding, and what possible problems they can see with them.   Riders will be paid $50 for participating.  Most sessions will be held at ARRB’s offices at 500 Burwood Highway, Vermont South.  Sessions will be held most weekday evenings at 5.30 or 7.00 over the period December 7th to 15th.

Anyone who is interested should phone Maryse on 9881 1513 between 9.30 and 11.30, or between 2.00 and 4.30, as soon as possible and before December 15th   to arrange a time.   Alternatively, you can e-mail Maryse.monk@arrb.com.au and leave  contact details and dates and times when you can come, and we will call you back. Volunteers will be asked to complete a short questionnaire over the phone to help us allocate them to groups of similar riders.

If groups would prefer, if they can provide a venue and at least six discussion group members of the required type, we can come to you during that period. We thank you very much for your interest and participation, and look forward to hearing from you.


Interested parties should contact Ian. We may incorporate into a Committee meeting.   … Ben